Here are the links to the first two images I created. I used the Image Chef website and it's very easy to start creating! I love anything to do with words, so I found this word mosaic. It's so neat and it resembles the Wordle website we explored a few weeks ago. You could spend hours on here just playing around with all of the different image generators. The sites are so easy to navigate. It literally just takes minutes to create something special!
I did a search on Google and found an Image Mosaic Creator. It is so neat! Here's the link to the site:
I chose a picture of my daughter and one of my puppy and they both turned out great!
Personally, I think the image generators are just plain cool! Many of us use social networking sites, such as Facebook. These image generators could be used to personalize pages. I also think my family would love to see some of the neat things you can create using these applications. In the library, they could be used to make signs for different sections in the kids department. They could also be used to make some kind of collage to promote a book of the week.
You could use this in the classroom for multiple purposes. The students would love to play with the image generators. I think they could use them to personalize their blogs. Another idea would be to have students write their own short stories or books. They could use image generators to create the graphics. This could possibly be a group project and each individual could be responsible for a graphic. What a fun way to get creative!
I love your idea about using the image creator to create the graphics in their short stories. I know my own children had to write a short story in school and have it actually made into a real book. The image generator would have been a great tool for them to use. (If I would have known about it then.)